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Curriculum Statement: Intent, Implementation & Impact



We believe that the purpose of education is to bring about human flourishing and to make the world a better place.


We believe that to do this, our curriculum should be broad and balanced; it should build knowledge, encourage independence, curiosity and creativity; produce collaborators, innovators, leaders and, above all, it should help our children to feel personal fulfilment and understand how to make the world a better place.


Structure and Organisation:

Our curriculum is organised into three areas, ‘Discover’, ‘Explore’ and ‘Create’.        

Central to the curriculum are Core Skills that underpin our approach:


Active Learning:

  • To seek out and enjoy challenges
  • To collaborate with others
  • To show commitment and perseverance
  • Assess themselves and others


Basic Skills:

  • To speak clearly and confidently using a rich vocabulary
  • To read and communicate ideas in writing efficiently and effectively
  • To calculate efficiently and apply skills to solve problems
  • To use new technologies confidently and purposefully


Creative Thinking:

  • To ask questions to extend their thinking
  • To generate ideas and explore possibilities
  • To overcome barriers by trying out alternatives or new solutions
  • To connect ideas and experiences in inventive ways


Basic skills are taught explicitly throughout school.  Active Learning and Creative Thinking represent the by-product of an effective curriculum – we aim to create the conditions where these skills can grow and develop.


We work across three terms, which allows us to explore areas of the curriculum in greater depth.  In the autumn term, the main theme is History; in the spring term, Geography, and in the summer term, we focus on the Arts. 



A knowledge rich curriculum:

Our curriculum is knowledge rich.  It balances propositional knowledge with procedural knowledge and recognises that they are intrinsically linked and interdependent. 


Propositional knowledge is drawn from the National Curriculum, then expanded upon and enriched with subject-specific details in our knowledge organisers and Medium Term Planning documents (MTPs).  Within individual subjects, categories of knowledge are identified to ensure broad coverage across school.  These are sequenced carefully across classes to ensure that all children receive their full entitlement to national curriculum content – see ‘Curriculum Overviews’ and 'Skills & Knowledge' documents.  

Procedural knowledge is mapped and sequenced in skills progression grids and MTPs.  Using a SOLO taxonomy approach, knowledge is vertically and horizontally integrated whilst also allowing a mastery approach within year groups to ensure depth across the curriculum - see 'Example Mid-Term Plan'.



Curriculum planning: A pedagogy of possibility 

We believe that our children deserve inspirational learning opportunities.  Curriculum planning ensures that children are immersed in broad and multi-layered projects which lead to authentic outcomes.  They are challenged to work creatively whilst deepening their knowledge and understanding within distinct subject disciplines. 


  • Planning begins with National Curriculum content.  From this we identify philosophical concepts that will be drawn out and explored through individual subjects.  We select and explore concepts that matter the most to our children.
  • Concepts are framed with an enquiry question. 
  • Global learning is a golden thread through our curriculum. Children are encouraged to consider how we can create a fair and sustainable world.
  • All our projects are knowledge rich, aspirational and contextualised.  Children work towards authentic outcomes and engage with critical audiences; they undertake projects that involve complex issues, and in doing so, develop an understanding of what is possible and a belief that they can make a difference.  
  • We have high expectations of learning and outcome.  Our curriculum is designed to encourage high levels of intrinsic motivation, which, when combined with the process of critique and redrafting, ensures that our children are instilled with the desire to produce beautiful work.
  • Children work alongside experts and professionals, take part in visits and trips and learn both indoors and out.  Our classroom environments are designed to encourage children to work collaboratively, flexibly and with high levels of independence.


Curriculum assessment:

We believe that assessment is central to curriculum design and delivery.  It is a dynamic process that is used to decide where learners are in their learning and where they need to go next. 


The SOLO taxonomy model is used for Science and most foundation subjects - it is an approach to pupil progression that emphasises high expectations for all.  We use formative methods to assess pupils developing understanding throughout the learning process, and summative assessments that focus on ‘threshold concepts’: key indicators that relate to a transformed view (or depth of understanding) within each subject discipline.     


Curriculum experiences:

We believe that a broad and balanced curriculum extends beyond the classroom. We tailor and adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of our community, and in doing so, provide a wealth of experiences throughout their time at school.


We are committed to ensuring that all our children have the opportunity to…


  • Visit the places of worship for the major world religions
  • Experience a residential
  • Learn a musical instrument and experience live music
  • Experience dance
  • Go to the theatre
  • Visit museums and galleries
  • Swim at least 25 metres
  • Perform an act of community service
  • Explore their local environment
  • Take part in a sports competition
  • Experience democracy by casting a vote
  • Learn first aid
  • Engage in intergenerational experiences
  • Learn how to ride a bike
  • Go on public transport/
  • Plant, grow and then use what they have grown
  • Enjoy the great outdoors
  • Be involved in charitable work
  • To engage in activities to develop economic awareness


Curriculum Development:

The curriculum structure allows continued innovation and development.  Research is used to inform practice, and high levels of reflectiveness throughout school lead to a shared commitment to continued development.


For further information about our approach to curriculum, please contact school.





  • Our children demonstrate confidence, independence, resilience and a real thirst for learning.
  • Our children are able to form meaningful relationships based upon mutual respect and trust, recognising and celebrating difference, not only within the school community, but in the wider world as well.
  • Our children have access to a broad and varied curriculum, allowing each of them to flourish as individuals.
  • Our children achieve at least the expected standard across the entire curriculum by the end of Key Stage Two.
  • Our children are articulate and confident to talk about a wide range of topics.
  • Our children are well prepared to access the challenges of the secondary school curriculum.
  • Our children have aspirations for the future and know that these can be realised with hard work and determination.
  • Our children grow up being able to make a positive contribution to the world in which they live.
  • Our children actively respond to issues that arise to create a fairer and more sustainable world.
  • Our children are well-rounded individuals who understand the importance of Gospel, Global and British values