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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Our trained mental health lead in school is Mrs Taylor. If you have any concerns about your child's mental health, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance. You are also welcome to request an appointment with both their teacher and Mrs Taylor, should concerns continue. 

We work with a number of agencies and organisations to tailor support to children's needs. See links to two of our closest partners below:

As well as providing high quality staff training, TPC have helped us to create a school environment that is able to support children's wellbeing and manage behaviour in a positive and supportive way. Thanks to generous donations from parents and the Luke Bennett Foundation, we have created a nurture room, known as 'The Snug'. This helps to create a calming environment where staff and professionals are able to connect with children in a caring way to help manage emotions and behaviours. Our aim is to replicate this across school. We have been awarded a Stage 1 seal from TPC.  See seal and images of the space below: 




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